handbags making in Yilan Factory Workshop

The best manufacturer for you is the one who is good at making your bags and matching your business.

Who are the best handbag manufacturers in China? Who will be the best bag manufacturer for me and my bags?
These two questions might be the biggest doubts in heart of every fashion handbag buyer or designer who is not familiar enough to China handbag industry.

I’m Peter, an expert practitioner with 8+ years of experience in handbag manufacturing. I’d like to share my answers to help you understand this field and get more benefit in your handbag business.

Handbag manufacturing industry is a prosperous and backbone industry in the coastal areas of China, especially in Fujian & Guangdong province. There are some typical manufacturing hubs for different kind of bags; each hub has their own strength and characters.

If you are willing to spend a few minutes reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of the distribution of China’s handbag manufacturing industry and the characteristics of different regions. This will save you a lot of time and money in your product developing & purchasing process.

Well, firstly, you have to ask yourself and make it out below question:

1. What kinds of lady handbag you want to buy

Classified by shape and structure, handbags or bags can be classed into backpack, shoulder bag (tote bag), hand bag, crossbody bag, waist bag (fanny pack), wallet, and coin purse.

It is easy to tell them from each other just by the shape or structure. They all can be called bags, but not all of them can be manufactured in one same factory.

Usually, a certain handbag factory can have abilities to produce backpack, shoulder bag, hand bag crossbody & fanny pack, but she hardly can make wallet or coin purse in the same workshop. Wallet & coin purse need different facilities and workmanship, wallet factory cannot make bigger bags like backpack, shoulder bag, hand bag, crossbody or waist bag.

More specifically, handbags in different materials are usually manufactured in different kinds of factories. Typically, genuine leather, synthetic leather (PU, PVC, etc) and fabric (nylon, canvas, 1680D, etc) bag factories are totally different.

Genuine leather bag factories can make PU bags, but their price is absolutely higher than you can imagine. The reason is genuine leather bag factories hold higher cost and margin range.

Fabric bag factories are neither good at making genuine leather nor synthetic leather bags at all. They don’t have special work procedure or skilled workers for panel pre-treatment process.

Synthetic leather bag factories can produce both genuine leather bags and fabric bags, but its workmanship is not as good as genuine leather factory through its price is much lower. PU bag factory can also make fabric bags, but the price will be a little higher than a special fabric bag factory. Workers in special fabric bag factory stitch faster and have higher productivity.

Another thing is, structured bags need more skill and more space to handle, so some small factories cannot operate structured bag orders though they may be good at making casual & soft bags.

OK, are you clear on differences of bags you are buying now?

Can they be made in one same factory or not?

Email us if you still have any question.

2. The best manufacturing hubs (bases) for your handbags

China is currently No. 1 manufacturing country for women handbags industry; there are manufacturers for any kind of bags you want to make. You just need to know where they are located and how to find them.

There are some manufacturing hubs in China for typical bags, for detailed information, please refer to our special article below:

» How to find bag manufacturers in China [Buyer Guide]

Here I just give out the conclusion for you:

There are 5 well-known bag manufacturing hubs inside China, these cities or areas are:

  • Guangzhou City
  • Yiwu City
  • Baigou Town
  • Quanzhou City
  • Pinghu Town

1) Guangzhou is good at making all kinds of handbags and the quality is the best worthy your money:

by shell material: genuine leather bag, PU PVC bag, fabric bags;
by structure: backpack, shoulder bag (tote bag), hand bag, crossbody bag, waist bag (fanny pack), wallet, and coin purse;
by hardness: structured hard bag, casual & semi-casual bag (soft bag)

2) Yiwu can also make most handbags expect backpacks, the price is good but the quality is very low end.

3) Baigou is also good at making soft synthetic PU bags and fabric backpack, the price is better than Guangzhou but quality is lower.

4) Quanzhou is only good at making fabric sport bags and the price is better than others.

5) Pinghu is also good at making fabric bags but their biggest strength is making fabric luggage suitcases.

So, for most popular handbag buying, Guangzhou manufacturing factories are your best choice.

Well, here comes another question — how do I find my right handbag factory in China who matches my business? Read our article below to find your answer please.

» How to find YOUR right handbag manufacturer

If you still have question after reading above article, please

or keep reading this post.

Below I will try to give you some recommends directly :-)

3. TOP 10 best manufacturers in China for typical women bags

Just like what we said above, each handbag factory or manufacturer has its own strength in manufacturing different bags. If you want to keep away from trouble and archive success during your bag sourcing in China, it is the wisest way to work with expert bag suppliers who is good at making your product and owing good reputation in this industry.

It might be not easy to choose your right one cooperator from hundreds of handbag manufacturing suppliers from Internet, but there are still some ways to get what you want.

You can attend the Canton Fair which is held in Guangzhou City twice a year to meet professional handbag manufacturers, watching them, talking with them face to face, and then making your judgment. This is one direct and workable way to reach them, only if you have traveling budget and enough time.

The second way is to ask your friends to do referrals; this is also good if you have that network resource. Even you can ask your Chinese suppliers doing other product to recommend bag suppliers, maybe they have good friends or classmates who are reliable and doing bags.

Furthermore, this article will list some reliable players in women handbag manufacturing business for your choice. Hope this can help you to save time & money.

1) Fabric bags

2) Synthetic leather, PU, PVC bags

  • Yilan Bag – professional lady bag factory in Guangzhou, synthetic leather bag manufacturer for Parfois, New look, C&A, Renner, Coppel. I’m working here.
  • Sitoy Group – HKEX listed company, PU lady bag manufacturer for Guess & Prada;
  • Lee & Man Development – HKEX listed company, synthetic material handbag manufacturer for Puma.

3) Genuine leather bags

4) Wallet & coin purse

  • Paayali leather – synthetic leather, PU, PVC wallet & coin purse manufacturer for Parfois, NEW LOOK, XL, Coppel. It is the joint venture company of Yilan Bag
  • CaseProvider Technology – expert genuine leather phone case supplier in Shenzhen

4. Final words

Handbag manufacturing industry is an old but fast developing industry in China.

In the past few years, many big bag manufacturing factories have declined or even disappeared.

If you have any questions on lady bag manufacturing, just contact us to discuss.

Do you need manufacturing bags?

Photo Of Julian, Founder And CEO

Hi, I’m Julian, the CEO of Yilan bag factory. I have assisted many brands to achieve their success. Will you be the next?